Promo Shots
We completed the rest of our promo shots in a similar manner to the ones on the 19th November, this time with even more costumes and some changes to hair and makeup.
Narrative Reshoot
Now came the time for the final scene of our project: a reshoot of our club argument. This shot caused some issues for the group. From the start of the project we decided that we did not want Roza to react to any of her boyfriend's actions in an aggressive and "soap opera" type manner. Instead we wanted her to be more subdued. However, feedback that we received suggested that, firstly it was not clear enough that this was the huge argument that it was meant to be due to the short lengths of the shots and, secondly, it did not reflect the build up of anger in the relationship throughout the video.
For the reasons explained above we decided, whilst being quite skeptical about the idea, that, following the argument in the club, Roza would slap her boyfriend. Despite this not being a very fun shot for me, who had to receive these slaps on a number of takes, we found that the shots were much better as they showed a more real reaction and a full sense of the argument.
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